To participate in the Machine Learning, Modeling and Simulation Program, you will need to meet the following technical requirements:
Internet connection: Access to the course materials and videos is available only through online streaming. An internet connection is necessary to access the content. Please ensure that there are no restrictions imposed by your company or firewall settings that may limit your ability to view the course content.
Ability to download and read PDFs: Some course materials may be provided in PDF format. You should have the capability to download and read PDF documents.
Compatible web browser: The courseware works best with current versions of Google Chrome, Firefox, or Safari. It is recommended to use an up-to-date version of Chrome or Firefox for the best experience. If you do not have Chrome installed, you can download it for free from the following link:
Limited support for mobile devices: While many components of the course can function on a mobile device, full support may not be available. It is recommended to access the course using a desktop or laptop computer for the optimal learning experience.
Compliance with IT policies: If you are accessing the course from a secured machine or network, there may be limitations on the types of content that can be downloaded, uploaded, and shared. Please ensure that you are aware of and abide by your organization's IT policies when taking the online course. In some cases, organizations have granted special waivers for MIT course attendees, or learners have chosen to use their personal/home computer to access the course.
- MATLAB: The programming in these courses will be carried out entirely through MATLAB. You can read more about the system requirements for MATLAB here.
By meeting these technical requirements, you will be able to fully participate in the Program and access the course materials and resources provided.