All MIT xPRO courses are delivered online, providing flexibility for learners. The video content of the courses is pre-recorded, allowing you to access and view the content at any time that suits your schedule. You are not required to log on at specific times for lectures as they are not delivered live.
In addition to the pre-recorded content, there are optional live-time interactions available. These include live-time discussion forum participation and a live-time Q&A webinar with the course instructors. The webinar sessions are scheduled at specific dates and times during each course. If you are unable to attend the live sessions, the recordings will be made available on the course site for later viewing.
Each xPRO course has a unique schedule determined by the instruction team. Course content becomes available after the start date of the course, and it is typically released on a schedule, often weekly. It's important to note that assignment deadlines are strict, and assignments cannot be submitted late for any reason. The course has a specified end date, after which the live aspects of the course, such as the discussion forums, will close.
This asynchronous learning format provides flexibility and allows learners to engage with the course material at their own pace while still having opportunities for live interactions and Q&A sessions with instructors.
To learn more about the benefits of this course structure, please consider this piece from The Curve - Ask MIT Experts: Understanding the Advantages of Asynchronous Learning.