In the Critical Thinking and Decision Making course, you will delve into several key concepts and skills related to critical thinking and decision-making. Here are the main areas covered:
Deductive Thinking and Meta-Cognition: You will explore the foundations of critical thinking and develop an understanding of how to approach and solve problems. This involves thinking about your own thinking (meta-cognition) and applying deductive reasoning to analyze and evaluate different solutions.
Critical Analysis of Alternative Solutions: You will learn how to critically analyze alternative solutions to a problem, examining their strengths, weaknesses, and the types of evidence supporting or opposing them. This process will help you identify the most viable options and make informed decisions.
Information Literacy and Research Techniques: The course will introduce you to information literacy and research methods for forming well-grounded conclusions. You will learn how to gather and evaluate relevant information, assess the credibility of sources, and effectively use research techniques to support your decision-making process.
Argument Diagramming and Evidence Evaluation: Real-world applications of argument diagramming will be explored, focusing on assessing the strength of evidence and relating it to social and technical factors. This will enhance your ability to analyze complex arguments, identify logical fallacies, and make more reasoned judgments.
Probability and Bayesian Analysis: You will apply Bayes's Law, a fundamental principle in probability theory, to determine the probability of events based on prior knowledge and related conditions. This concept allows for a more nuanced assessment of uncertainties and informed decision-making under uncertainty.
Group Decision-Making Processes: The course will introduce structured processes for group decision-making, including the use of tools like the Pugh Matrix and the Evaluation Matrix. You will learn how to facilitate effective group discussions, synthesize diverse perspectives, and make collective decisions.
The course emphasizes a practical approach to critical thinking and decision-making, with opportunities to apply the learned concepts through interactive projects and exercises. The detailed week-by-week schedule can provide more specific information on the topics covered in each module.
By mastering these key concepts, you will enhance your ability to think critically, evaluate options, and make well-informed decisions in various professional and personal contexts.