To participate in the System Thinking course, you will need to meet the following technical requirements:
Stable Internet Connection: Access to the course requires a stable internet connection since the course materials, including videos, are available only through online streaming.
Web Browsers: The courseware is optimized for Google Chrome, Firefox, or Safari web browsers. While you can access the course using mobile devices, please note that not all features and protocols may be supported for an optimal learning experience. For the best experience, it is recommended to use an up-to-date version of Chrome or Firefox. If you don't have Chrome installed, you can get it for free at this link.
Cookies & Additional Software: The course utilizes a third-party tool called Qualtrics. To ensure proper functioning of all question types and features, it is necessary to allow all cookies from this site. You may need to adjust your browser settings accordingly. Instructions on changing cookie settings in Google Chrome can be found at the provided link. Additionally, the course includes a simulation game that requires Flash. Instructions within the courseware will guide you in checking your computer to ensure compatibility with the simulation.
Secured Networks: If you are accessing the course from a secured machine or network, there may be limitations on downloading, uploading, and sharing content. It is important to adhere to your organization's IT policies and consider any restrictions on cookie and firewall settings. Some organizations have granted special waivers for MIT course attendees in the past, and learners have opted to use their personal or home computers to overcome such limitations.
By meeting these technical requirements, you will be able to fully participate in the System Thinking course and access all the necessary course materials and tools.