In the Understanding Organizational Strategy and Capabilities course, the assignments are designed to enhance your learning experience and provide opportunities to apply the concepts and principles covered in the course. The assignments are categorized into five different types:
Explore: In this category, you will learn core concepts through engaging videos and research-based readings. These materials will help you understand the fundamental concepts related to organizational strategy and capabilities.
Practice: This category focuses on practicing the concepts through multiple-choice questions, scenarios, and simulation activities. These activities allow you to reinforce your understanding of the course content without affecting your grade.
Apply: Through case studies and self-reflection activities, you will apply the conceptual material to solve real-world problems and assess how the principles you've learned apply to your own job or professional context. This category emphasizes practical application and critical thinking.
Share: This category involves peer-to-peer discussions, surveys, and polls. You will have the opportunity to reflect on what you have learned and engage with other students by sharing your experiences, insights, and perspectives. This collaborative aspect promotes knowledge sharing and encourages a deeper understanding of the course material.
Assess: The assessment category includes pre-and post-assessments, peer assessment tools, and summative assessment instruments. These assessments are used to evaluate your understanding of the material and your ability to apply it to the workplace. They provide a measure of your progress and achievement throughout the course.
The variety of assignment types ensures a well-rounded learning experience, combining theoretical knowledge with practical application and interaction with peers. By actively engaging with the course materials and completing the assignments, you will be able to deepen your understanding of organizational strategy and capabilities.