To ensure the best possible experience while taking an MIT xPRO course or program, we recommend using the latest version of Chrome or Firefox web browsers on a personal laptop or desktop computer. These browsers are optimized to support the full range of features and functionalities offered by our online platform.
While it is possible to access the course content using web browsers on mobile devices, such as smartphones or tablets, please note that they may not support all of the features and protocols required for an optimal course experience. Therefore, we encourage you to use a personal laptop or desktop computer for the best results.
If you are accessing the course from a secured machine or network, please be aware that there may be restrictions on the types of content that can be downloaded, uploaded, and shared. We advise you to familiarize yourself with your local IT policies and comply with them when taking an online course.
If you encounter any technical difficulties or have specific questions about the technical requirements, our support team is available to assist you. Feel free to reach out to us at, and we will be happy to help you.